Grills and Stoves

Grills and Stoves is distributor of various barbeque, outdoor cooking, grilling and other related brands/products.

Grills and Stoves is a distributor of various barbeque, outdoor cooking, grilling and related products. We represent Envirofit, Bon Fire, Kupilka and Syttis in the Benelux and other European countries.
We are a young company which allegation distinctive brands, we distribute this through active marketoperation through stores, retailers and Retail chains. Grills and Stoves also developed (in-house) outdoor cooking products. We have the largest tripod into production.
We are constantly looking for distinctive products. Durability, quality, applicability and design are key words which we seek.
When you shop owner, retailer, purchaser or B2B buyer I like to get in touch with you.
